Buying a frozen embryo involves risks and that is why we would like to think along with you. For this we can offer you the following:
- The embryo must be implanted at the faculty in Utrecht.
- If the surrogate mare is not in foal, we will refund 70% of the purchase price (excl. VAT en excl. auctioncosts).
- For the refund we need an official and signed veterinarian statement the surrogate mare is not in foal at 15 days after implantation of the embryo.
- After the 15th day after implantation, the risk passes to the buyer of the embryo and the right to a refund expires.
- The right of gurantee/refund expires at 30-06-2022
- Mares are inseminated entirely at the cost and risk of the owner
- Studutch accept no liability what so ever for damage, sickness or injury to people, animals, transportation or otherwise
- For the other standard auction conditions look at our conditions on this site