Jan 14, 2022

Buying a frozen embryo involves risks and that is why we would like to think along with you. For this we can offer you the following:

  1. The embryo must be implanted at the faculty in Utrecht.                  
  2. If the surrogate mare is not in foal, we will refund 70% of the purchase price (excl. VAT en excl. auctioncosts).
  3. For the refund we need an official and signed veterinarian statement the surrogate mare is not in foal at 15 days after implantation of the embryo.
  4. After the 15th day after implantation, the risk passes to the buyer of the embryo and the right to a refund expires.
  5. The right of gurantee/refund expires at 30-06-2022
  6. Mares are inseminated entirely at the cost and risk of the owner
  7. Studutch accept no liability what so ever for damage, sickness or injury to people, animals, transportation or otherwise
  8. For the other standard auction conditions look at our conditions on this site